Theme: Placing Water and Sanitation at the Heart of Achieving Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want
The ninth edition of the Africa Water Week will be held alongside the Cairo Water Week. The conference is hosted by the government of Egypt through the ministry of water resources and irrigation. In alignment with the decision of the AMCOW Governing Council, the Conference is intended to institutionalize AWW as a way of building momentum on achieving the Africa Water Vision 2025 and related continental targets on water.
With less than two years before the end of the Africa Water Vision 2025, the 9th Africa Water Week aims to evaluate progress made in implementing the vision, consolidate the gains and derive lessons for the future. Currently, the Water Sector and Sanitation Monitoring and Reporting (WASSMO) system tracks progress on the implementation of the AWV 2025.
For more information, kindly visit the official Africa Water Week Website